Ride Day 29: After enjoying a sleep-in (until 8am!), washing clothes and having a dip in Lake Superior we whizzed along to the town of ‘Sault Ste. Marie, a distance of 46 miles. With the wind now at our backs this seemed easy after yesterday’s 10-hour slog against a cruel wind! We enjoyed another meal out (my appetite remains almost limitless!), a night in a motel and we are now ready to tackle the 1,400 miles to Halifax in Nova Scotia. Debbie and Sharon who have come from the UK (from Wales and England respectively) to drive ‘Wilbert’ the support vehicle and ride with me have been absolutely unbelievable. Opting to camp in the wilds of Northern Ontario as opposed to relaxing on the beach somewhere exotic, they have given 100% from the word go. Averaging 10 hours on the road each day, never knowing where the next camp will come or what the weather will throw at us, the girls have been terrific and I simply can’t thank them enough. I am lucky to have such fun riding buddies and it’s great to share hundreds of miles in the saddle with them. Despite the early mornings, mosquito bites and life on-the-road, I hope they will look back fondly on the adventures we are having…
Jayne T
8/18/2009 04:33:59 am

Hi J, at last an update! Great to hear from you. We were wondering what had happened to the daily blog. It still sounds like you are having an amazing time despite the trials and tribulations. Keep on pedalling. Jayne, John and the boys

gerry and roger dwyer
8/18/2009 06:29:32 am

great to catch up today john, i was wondering where you where! glad you are back on track and enjoying the adventures ! lots of love mum and dad x

isabell L42P
8/18/2009 07:55:04 pm

hi mr dwyer you're doing well and hope u are having fun


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